Coming soon , new clinic and treatment videos at Body Advance

Posted in Internal Updates on Apr 25, 2022.

Following somewhat of a marketing and social media Hiatus, I am in process of shooting a collection of treatment videos together with a new clinic video shoot to further enable my clinic brand awareness.

This comes following some excellent reviews and need for my services is now steadily increasing. Furthermore, as I am a total advocate of encouraging people of Doncaster to seek treatment, what better way of showcasing me as a person, in treatment doing what I love doing.

My clinic Body Advance has been open since September 2015 firstly as a discounted therapy clinic promoting myself as an Undergraduate student offering insurance approved treatments.

In 2019, I decided to take the opportunity for personal branding, leaving the clinic logo behind, getting out of my comfort zone and in front of a camera in my first ever photoshoot. Now, I am going all out video and accompanying this with some audio podcasting.

Therapy is totally back on the agenda; client demand is on the rise and I’m aiming to be that person who clients seek to contact.

For those who cannot wait for these videos to emerge and are seeking treatment , call the clinic 01302 456270 or book on line

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We're located at:

The Wellness Centre
1a Cavendish Court
South Parade